IPD joins forces with Upstage Lighting and Wiz Khalifa once again for the Under The Influence Tour 2013.
With not much time to spare, Jason pulls out the reigns and guides this design into one WHITE HOT light show.
From the article:
PLSN caught the opening night of Wiz Khalifa’s Under The Influence Tour, designed and directed by Jason Bullock. Having just finished a Korn European tour, with little time Bullock flew from Sweden straight to Chicago’s Upstaging lighting to start programming the show. This tour also features the Ayrton MagicPanel 602 fixture which Bullock discusses below.
Jason Alexander Bullock (Production Lighting & Set Designer) -
“I was the LD on Wiz Khalifa’s last leg using a system that was already hanging by the time I got the call. As we started to put this tour together management asked if I could take over the show design. Benjy and David (management personal) thought it was best if I became the artistic conduit to make this tour. All told, their was only 2.5 days at Upstaging to get the lighting and lasers all programmed and then 3 days at the Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mt. View, CA where the tour would start, to add video and the set all together. It was done in a short time, in stages.
To read more, please visit: the PLSN August 2013 Issue.
For more pictures of the tour visit our portfolio page : Wiz Khalifa’s Under The Influence Tour
To read the digital version magazine of this issue [click here].
More photos by Steve Jennings at www.plsn.me/KhalifaExtras

Web Snapshot August 2013